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Cayman Companies
Cayman Companies

Complaints Policy

Filing a Complaint

At Bell Rock, our goal is to provide you with the best possible customer service. However, there may be times where you wish to complain. Any complaints submitted to us will be taken seriously and we will try to resolve it as quickly as possible. 

How do I make a complaint?
If you have a complaint about our service, you can send us your complaint by: emailing us at or sending us a letter to: Bell Rock Group, 10 Market St, 758 Camana Bay, Grand Cayman, KY1-9006, Cayman Islands.

When we receive your complaint, we will acknowledge receipt and, where required, we will commence an investigation. We will respond within seven business days.  In each case, a complainant will be advised that the fact that Bell Rock accepts a complaint and/or initiates an investigation into the matters alleged is not an admission of any fault, wrong-doing, error, or legal liability on the part of Bell Rock.

Bell Rock  will seek to resolve the complaint as quickly as possible, which would normally be within one month.


If Bell Rock concludes that a complaint is well-founded, it will tell the complainant in writing what it proposes to do to remedy the matters of complaint and take the steps to fulfil what it proposes to do, subject to its responsibilities and obligations not to disclose information, including the provisions contained in the Confidential Relationships (Preservation) Act, as amended or replaced.


If Bell Rock concludes that a complaint is not wellfounded, it will explain its reasons in writing. 


If the complainant is still dissatisfied after Bell Rock informs the complainant of the outcome of its investigation, the complainant’s further remedies include making a complaint to CIMA.

For each fiscal year, the Managing Director will submit a report to Bell Rock’s Board of Directors on the complaints submitted and the results of its findings. The report may include information concerning trends in the subject matter and on general lessons that Bell Rock should learn. 

You can contact CIMA directly as follows:

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority

SIX, Cricket Square
PO Box 10052
Grand Cayman KY1-1001
Cayman Islands

Tel: +1 (345) 949-7089


Thanks for submitting!

About Us

Bell Rock Group is a leading provider of Cayman Islands Fund and Corporate Services including the provision of highly experienced directors and governance professionals. We act on the board of many of the leading names in the asset management industry, provide complete solutions for launching investment funds such as hedge funds, venture capital, private equity, real estate, infrastructure funds and also at the forefront of digital asset and blockchain investment funds solutions.


Bell Rock is licensed and regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA).

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