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Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

Sobre nosotros

Bell Rock es un proveedor lĆ­der deFondo de Islas CaimĆ”n y Servicios Corporativosincluida la provisiĆ³n de directores independientes altamente experimentados y profesionales paralos fondos de cobertura, fondos de capital privado, fondos inmobiliarios, fondos de infraestructura, comitĆ©s de gestiĆ³n,fondos de inversiĆ³n cripto y blockchain, sociedades de gestiĆ³n de inversiones, sociedades de cartera, finanzas estructuradas,los mercados de capitalesy estructuras de riqueza privada.

Tenemos mĆ”s de un siglo de combine experiencia asprofesionales senioren la industria de servicios financieros con a amplitud de habilidades y experiencia. Somos soluciĆ³n enfocados y construir relaciones a largo plazo es nuestra fortaleza.

TambiĆ©n somos una firma profesional lĆ­der en blockchain descentralizado organizaciones autĆ³nomas (DAO) que buscan incorporar a Cayman Foundation u otra entidad operativa mĆ”s apoyo continuo a dichas operaciones. 

Nuestras relaciones incluyen instituciones financieras lĆ­deres, administradores de activos, administradores de fondos de cobertura, fondos de capital privado, oficinas familiares, corporaciones multinacionales y clientes privados en los principales centros financieros. Estamos a la vanguardia de los servicios de gobierno de fondos y proporcionamos servicios de director a un nĆŗmero selecto de clientes. TambiĆ©n rutinariamente asesorar sobre todos los aspectos de la formaciĆ³n de fondos y proporcionar servicios de fondos continuos a ambos emergentes gerentes y algunos de los principales administradores de activos.
Bell Rock estĆ” regulado por la Autoridad Monetaria de las Islas CaimĆ”n (CIMA) y auditado por un auditor aprobado por CIMA, miembro de Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), miembro de Hedge Fund Association (HFA), miembro de Investment Management Due Diligence Association (IMDDA), miembro de la AsociaciĆ³n de Cumplimiento de las Islas CaimĆ”n (CICA), miembro de Cayman Finance, la AsociaciĆ³n Blockchain de las Islas CaimĆ”n (BACI) y signatario de los Principios para la InversiĆ³n Responsable (PRI).

Equipo profesional

Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

Fundador y Director General

TelĆ©fono: 1 345 949 4850

Correo electrĆ³nico:

Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

Jefe de Servicios Corporativos

TelĆ©fono: 1 345 949 4850

Correo electrĆ³nico: dibujĆ³

Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

Director - Gobernanza del Fondo

TelĆ©fono: 1 345949 4850

Correo electrĆ³nico:

Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

Director - Gobernanza del Fondo

TelĆ©fono: 1 345 949 4850

Correo electrĆ³nico:

Noticias y perspectivas

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Una vez que se publiquen entradas, las verƔs aquƭ.

Ā”Gracias por enviar!

Sobre nosotros

Bell Rock Group es un proveedor lĆ­der de servicios corporativos y de fondos de las Islas CaimĆ”n, incluida la provisiĆ³n de directores y profesionales de gobierno altamente experimentados. Actuamos en el directorio de muchos de los nombres lĆ­deres en la industria de gestiĆ³n de activos, brindamos soluciones completas para lanzar fondos de inversiĆ³n como fondos de cobertura, capital de riesgo, capital privado, bienes raĆ­ces, fondos de infraestructura y tambiĆ©n a la vanguardia de activos digitales y blockchain. Soluciones de fondos de inversiĆ³n.


Bell Rock estƔ autorizado y regulado por la Autoridad Monetaria de las Islas CaimƔn (CIMA).

Enlaces Ćŗtiles


Ā© 2021 Grupo Bell Rock.

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