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Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

회사 소개

Bell Rock은케이맨 제도 기금 및 기업 서비스경험이 풍부하고 전문적인 독립 이사를 제공하는 것을 포함하여헤지 펀드, 사모펀드, 부동산펀드, 인프라펀드, 경영위원회,암호화 및 블록체인 투자 펀드, 투자운용회사, 지주회사, 구조화금융,자본 시장그리고 개인 재산 구조.

우리는 100년이 넘는 Combined 를 보유하고 있습니다.경험 as고위 전문가금융 서비스 업계에서 a  of 기술 및 경험. 우리는 입니다.해결책 focused 및 장기적인 관계 구축이 우리의 강점입니다.

우리는 또한 blockchain 에 대한 선도적인 전문 회사입니다.탈중앙화 자율 조직(DAO)이 기대하는 포함하다 a Cayman Foundation 또는 기타 운영 법인 및 그러한 운영에 대한 지속적인 지원. 

우리의 관계에는 주요 금융 기관, 자산 관리자, 헤지 펀드 관리자, 사모펀드, 패밀리 오피스, 다국적 기업 및 모든 주요 금융 센터의 개인 고객이 포함됩니다. 우리는 펀드 거버넌스 서비스의 최전선에 있으며 엄선된 고객에게 이사 서비스를 제공합니다. 우리는 또한 일상적으로 펀드 형성의 모든 측면에 대해 조언하고 신흥 기업 모두에게 지속적인 펀드 서비스를 제공합니다 관리자 및 일부 주요 자산 관리자.

Bell Rock은 Cayman Islands Monetary Authority(CIMA)의 규제를 받으며 CIMA 승인 감사관, AIMA(Alternative Investment Management Association) 회원, HFA(Hedge Fund Association) 회원, Investment Management Due Diligence 회원의 감사를 받습니다. 협회(IMDDA), Cayman Islands Compliance Association(CICA) 회원, Cayman Finance 회원, BACI(Blockchain Association of the Cayman Islands) 및 PRI(Principles for Responsible Investment) 서명자입니다.


Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

설립자 겸 상무이사

전화: 1 345 949 4850

Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

기업 서비스 책임자

전화: 1 345 949 4850

Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

이사 - 펀드 거버넌스

전화: 1 345949 4850

Fund Formation, Cayman Funds, Cayman Directors, Independent Directors, Crypto Funds, Cayman Corporate Services, Hedge Funds, Fund services, Fund Governance, Crypto Funds Advice, Fund Platforms, Crypto Fund Solutions, Company Formation, Registered Office, Capital Markets Services, Partnership Formations, Foundation Formation, Foundation Incorporation, Compliance & Regulatory Services, LLC Formation, Company Secretary, Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations, Fund Structuring, Cayman Fund and Corporate Services, Foundation Incorporation Cayman Islands, Partnership Registration Cayman Islands, Fund Formation Cayman Islands, Crypto Funds Cayman Islands, Hedge Funds Cayman Islands, Fund Governance Cayman Islands, CIMA Registered Directors Cayman Islands, Company Formation Cayman Islands, Registered Office Cayman Islands, Partnership Formations Cayman Islands, Cayman Compliance & Regulatory Services, Cayman LLC Formation, Cayman Investment Manager Formation, Liquidations Cayman Islands,

이사 - 펀드 거버넌스

전화: 1 345 949 4850

뉴스 및 인사이트

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게시물이 게시되면 여기에 표시됩니다.

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회사 소개

Bell Rock Group은 경험이 풍부한 이사 및 거버넌스 전문가 제공을 포함하여 케이맨 제도 펀드 및 기업 서비스를 제공하는 선두 업체입니다. 우리는 자산 관리 업계의 많은 주요 이름의 이사회에서 활동하고 헤지 펀드, 벤처 캐피탈, 사모 펀드, 부동산, 인프라 펀드와 같은 투자 펀드 출시를 위한 완벽한 솔루션을 제공하며 디지털 자산 및 블록체인의 최전선에서 활동합니다. 투자 자금 솔루션.


Bell Rock은 Cayman Islands Monetary Authority(CIMA)의 허가 및 규제를 받습니다.

유용한 링크


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